cove park

Following on from our visit to Eskdalemuir Magnetic Observatory we had a residency week at Cove Park at the end of March 2014. This was an intense combined work period following up our ideas on invisible forces within the land including scientific forces such as magnetic fields and seismological activity, the historical/spiritual forces of ley lines and sacred sites, and personal curiosities such as water divining. Our proximity to Faslane Military base also focussed our thoughts on hidden systems something we will continue to follow up later. Our challenge was how we can represent our ideas and enquiries  through audio/visual means rather than using documentary forms, and we were keen to include a more performative aspect to our field work. We stayed and worked in the large Oak Pod enjoying the ever changing views over Loch Long and the mountains beyond.

Cove Park combined working

Video still.

Video Still. Filmed at Kilmartin
